DOAB contains more than 13 000 open access e-books from many different scientific fields.
Are DOAB books included in the book catalogue?
Yes, you can find the e-books in the book catalogue Finna. You can also search directly in DOAB's own interface.
How can I read?
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Good to know
DOAB contains records of open access books available on other websites. A third of the books are also available through OAPEN, which is maintained by the same organisation.
The books are open access, but may have been issued with some limitations and Creative Commons licenses.
Instructions can be found at the FAQ-page.
InTech Open Access contains over 4 700 e-books mainly in subjects such as natural sciences, technology and health sciences. The books are published as open access, i.e. freely available.
Are InTech books in the book catalogue?
No, the books are not searchable in the book catalogue. Go to InTech Open Access where you can find all the books.
How can I read?
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The books are open access, but may have been issued with some limitations and Creative Commons licenses.
NCBI Bookshelf (National Library of Medicine, USA) provides access to books and documents in life sciences and health care. The collection contains over 1 000 e-books and 6 000 reports. The books are published as open access, i.e. freely available.
Are NCBI books included in searches in the book catalogue?
No, the books are not searchable in the book catalogue. Go to NCBI bookshelf where you can find all the books.
How can I read?
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The books are open access, but may have been issued with some limitations and Creative Commons licenses.
Instructions can be found in the manual.
OAPEN contains over 6000 e-books, mainly in the social sciences and humanities. The books are published as open access, i.e. freely available.
Are OAPEN books in the book catalogue?
No, at the moment OAPEN is not enabled for searching in the book catalogue. Use OAPEN's own interface.
How can I read?
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Good to know
As much as two thirds of the books in AOPEN are also available through DOAB (both are maintained by the same organisation).
The books are open access, but may have been issued with some limitations and Creative Commons licenses.