All the printed and digital journals in the library's collections can be found in Alma-Novia. Search with the journals name or ISSN number.
Google Scholar is a search engine, which indexes data of scholarly literature online. The search results include research publications, conference papers, books, abstracts, articles published by academic publishers, and other organizations.
Search for international articles and peer-reviwed research publications with article-search in Alma-Novia.
Finna's (Alma-Novia) article search or Google scholar don't fully cover all the articles and materials. All comprehensive searches should always be done also in database's own user interfaces. Links to the databases in LibGuides and AlmaNovia.
Guide about information seeking and using informations ethically made by Turku amk. Also information about CC-licenses.
This guide about Searching information is made at Tritonia library. The strategies for searching are the same, but if you study in Turku, you should use Åbo Akademi University Library and do your searches in Alma-Novia.