The book collection of Novia is placed in ASA-library. The books ar placed in open shells in the library, in different collections.
In Finna you can search print resources and e-resources with one single search! Log in with your Novia username to access e-resources.
Textbooks can be found on the first floor of the library. The loan period is 14 days and max period is 6 months. Loans are automatically renewed, but can be recalled if reserved by other library users. Requested/reserved materials must be collected within 3 days. Overdue fee 1€ per day (max 10€).
For almost every textbook title, there is a short loan copy, which can be borrowed for over night. Short loans must be returned on the next weekday by 12 p.m. to the same service unit. The automatic overdue fee is 10€.
On the second floor is Novias collection placed, among collections for Åbo Akademi University such as: Human rights, Economics and Sociology. The loan period for ordinary books are 28 days. Loans are automatically renewed, but can be recalled if reserved by other library users. Requested/reserved materials must be collected within 7 days. Overdue fee 0,30 € per day (max 6 €).
You will find some of Novias books in the basement. In the basement are following parts placed: 38 Pedagogy, 40 Tourism, 49 Etnology, 65 Handicraft and 76 Design. In the basement you also find following collections Information Studies, National Economy, Statistics, Political science and Public Administration.
Novias collection is organized according to PLC, the Finnish Public Libraries Classification System. In Alma you can see a "Call number", which will tell you where to look for the book. Books in the other collections are mainly shelved by the first author, or if edited by title.
You can search for the books in Alma-Novia.
Note! If a book is available in ASA library or Arken library, you can't make a reservation. You have to came and pick it from the shelf yourself.
Åbo Academy University Library
Street address: Vänrikintie 3 A
Postal address: Tuomionkirkontori 3, 20500 Turku
Loans/Information service: 02 215 4180
Email loans:
Library card för Novia students using Novias Tuudo app - Activate your library card in the Tuudo app. Choose Abo Academy University Library. (Tritonia is the library in Vasa, which serves Novia students in Vasa.)
If you don't have Novias Tuudo app, fill in this form. Visit the library to get your library card, prepare to verify your identity with an id with picture. When logging in for the first time, connect your library card to your account. After this you will be able to make reservations and renew loans.