You can use the licensed e-resources within Novia's network and via remote access. Students and staff access the e-resources remotely via Finna of LibGuides by logging in with the Novia-username.
Don't forget that you also have access to databases at Turku university of applied sciences with your TUAS username and password. More information on their library page
Search for information on resarch in Finland through the Research portal.
Publication information consists of information submitted by Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and university hospitals in the data collection of the Ministry of Education and Culture. For the last three years is almost 75 % published through an open access channel or made open by self-archiving.
Novia University of Applied Sciences provides you with some collections of english e-books : Ebook central and Ebscohost ebook collection.
The english books are searchable throuch Alma-Novia . Access to the english books with your Novia password.
We have a Swedish e-book-package Biblio. This package also contains some e-books in other languages as well as audiobooks, mainly fiction. These books are however not searchable in Alma, you have to search within the resource Biblio (elib). Some books you may be able to read online, some you need to borrow. Either way you must have a library card at Åbo Academy University Library and a personal pin-code (set the 4-number pin-code in ALMA).
In Kauppakamaritieto ammattikirjasto you find mainly Finnish e-books in areas as economics, business administration, leadership and marketing. Use the link to find the books, since these books are not searchable through Alma-Novia.
More information about e-books in our guide Novia e-books.
You can find more information about e-books here. E-books can also be searched in Finna.
PressReader - International Newspapers and Magazines
Newspaperss and magazines from over 90 countries. Available in the Novia network and with login for remote access.
Helsingin sanomat, Åbo Underättelser, Turun sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet and more. Available in the Novia network (no remote access). 3 simultaneous users.
Here you can find more information about resources an user rights: FinElib Resources and user rights.
Full-text databases include full-text of the material, as well as references
Reference databases include references to articles, but not necessarily the articles themselves, which often must be retrieved elsewhere
Citation databases include information on citations between articles: who has cited what and how many citations have accumulated
Please note that most databases are combinations of these types. Some of the articles in the database can be read in full-text, some are available only as abstracts.
Open access journal covering different fields of design.
Note that Managing Service Quality is available in fulltext in Emerald 1990-2014, but has a new journal title from 2015 : Journal of Service theory and Practice.
A journal published by Service Design Network. Contents on the web page, journals can be read in the Library in the printed format.
Harvard Business Review is one of the leading professional business journals in the world. Available in Åbo Akademi library - ASA-library as well as and in TUAS library.