In different Finna views, you can search for local and national materials as well as licensed and open e-resources. The licenses for e-resources belong to the university or university of applied sciences. Anyone can use the Finna views but access to other e-resources is restricted. Remember therefore to always choose the Finna of your own university or university of applied sciences. You can access to e-resources with your HAKA username and password.
Turku, Åbo Akademi University
The e-resources of the Åbo Akademi University and Novia University of Applied Sciences can be accessed in compliance with the license agreements in the libraries of Åbo Akademi University (Turku).
Turku and Raseborg: Alma (Novia)
The Tritonia Finna search service has three Finna views: University of Vaasa, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences VAMK and Novia University of Applied Sciences.
The e-resources of University of Vaasa, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences VAMK and Novia University of Applied Sciences can be accessed in compliance with the license agreements at the computers meant for searching in the Tritonia Academic Library (Vaasa).
Vaasa and Jakobstad: Tritonia-Finna | Novia
In, you can search for material from all the Finnish organizations in this family. There is material from public, university and special libraries, archives, museums, research institutes and other organizations such as Bank of Finland, Institutional Repository for the Government (Valto) and (Finnish scholarly journals online).
The search service provides access to a great number of various digital materials. In addition to publications, it includes also images, art, films, maps and documents.
Many public libraries located in the same area have a joint Finna search service, where you can search the collections of those libraries in one search. You can, however, narrow the search to the material of one library.
In the area, there are other libraries whose collections you can also search:
Vaski (a consolidation of libraries in the Finland Proper region, Turku)