ArtsyArtsy features the world’s leading galleries, museum collections, foundations, artist estates, art fairs, and benefit auctions, all in one place. Our growing database of 300,000 images of art, architecture, and design by 40,000 artists spans historical, modern, and contemporary works, and includes the largest online database of contemporary art. Artsy is used by art lovers, museum-goers, patrons, collectors, students, and educators to discover, learn about, and collect art.
Bildsam / Åbo Akademis bildsamlingarI databasen Bildsam finns närmare 5 000 bilder ur Åbo Akademis bildsamlingar med tyngdpunkt på äldre Åbo-motiv samt inhemska stads- och landskapsbilder.
EuropeanaEuropeana är en portal som samlar digitaliserad europeisk kultur (bilder, föremål, texter, ljud och videor) från många olika institutioner som bibliotek, museer, arkiv och audiovisuella samlingar
GrafiaVisuaalisen viestinnän suunnittelijoiden järjestö.
Yli tuhannen ammattilaisen Grafia ry edistää suomalaisen visuaalisen viestinnän arvostusta sekä jäsentensä ammatillisia, oikeudellisia ja taloudellisia etuja.
Lähteillä - Suomen KansallisgalleriaLähteillä on Suomen Kansallisgallerian arkiston ja kirjaston sivusto, jossa esitellään niiden kokoelmia. Sivuston kautta pääsee silmäilemään arkistokokoelmien aarteita lähietäisyydeltä. – Kulturella och vetenskapliga skatter på samma adressFinska museers samlingar med en enda sökning. I Museernas Finna hittar du fotografier och föremål från till exempel Finlands sjöhistoriska museum, Finlands järnvägsmuseum, Finlands nationalmuseum, Finlands Jaktmuseum och Konstmuseet Ateneum.
Art HistoryOriginal articles relating to all aspects of the historical and theoretical study of painting, sculpture, design and other areas of visual imagery
Art JournalJournal arranged thematically under a guest editor including articles by and about artists, exhibition reviews, book reviews and lists of books and catalogues received
Arts Education Policy ReviewAimed at educators and deals with the role of the arts in education and curriculum development
Design IssuesArticles about the criticism, history and theory as they relate to the professions of design
FORMakademiskFORMakademisk is a peer-reviewed scientific forum for the documentation of design and design education research, broadly defined
Interior DesignFor the interior design professional marketplace; features a variety of outstanding projects, latest new products across all disciplines, industry news and more
Journal of Aesthetics and Art CriticismArticles on all studies of the arts and related types of experience from a philosophic, scientific, or other theoretical standpoint, including those of psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural history, art criticism and education
Journal of Graphic Engineering and DesignA peer review scientific journal aimed to publish novelty researches and papers in the field of graphic engineering, material and measurement science, design, typography and visual media communication
LeonardoA professional journal for working artists to write about their own work
Nineteenth-century Art WorldwideA scholarly, refereed e-journal devoted to the study of nineteenth-century painting, sculpture, graphic arts, photography, architecture, and decorative arts across the globe.
OctoberCritical attention on the contemporary arts and their various contexts of interpretation
PrintPortfolios, profiles, regional design, thematic issues, computer advances, historical perspective and provocative articles in all areas of the field of graphic design for designers, illustrators and photographers worldwide
PSA JournalHow-to and philosophical articles on all aspects of photography, product reviews, advice and news published by the Photographic Society of America